
Aka Ishartmon Medieval Church

I came upon this charming medieval church when searching for the Knockhowlin standing stone, which I learned later had been removed. This early church stands within an overgrown rectangular graveyard. It served as the parish church of Ishartmon, a name that is thought to have been derived from Disert Munna - St Munna's Church. The Ishartmon parish may have been defunct before 1615 as it does not appear on Bishop Rams visitations for that year

Chancel, to the right, is narrower than the nave

South wall

The walls of this nave and chancel church, except for the north wall of the nave, have all survived complete. Pictured below are some of the features in the south wall. Extreme left is a rectangular nave window. In the centre is the pointed south doorway and featured right is a beautiful pointed chancel window.

There is a double bellcote over the west gable. A number of internal features such as an aumbry, a stone shelf and a pointed chancel arch are present. Lying just inside the doorway is a circular granite font. The interior of the building is so overgrown it proved impossible to explore. The colours and construction of the west gable is a joy to behold.

Double bellcote

Granite font

Situated: From the N25 at Tagoat travel southwest on the R736 for 7 kilometres. Then turn left. Then take the second left turn. Then first left. You will soon see the gate, pictured right, on you left.

Discovery Map 77: T 0553 0837. Last visit Aug 2019.

Longitude: 6° 27' 21" W

Latitude: 52° 13' 2" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey

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